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Hedgehog friendly tips for your garden

Sadly, the UK’s hedgehogs are considered vulnerable to extinction. However, they are showing signs of recovery in urban and suburban areas.

If you have a garden, you can help play a part in protecting these little critters by following a few simple steps. OmVed Gardens’ Ecologist Kiran Lee has some top tips, thanks to our friends at Heath Hands.

Heath Hands is the conservation, community and volunteering charity for Hampstead Heath. Their recent hedgehog monitoring projects in conjunction with ZSL and other partners show that Hampstead Heath's population of hedgehogs is crucial to the survival of hedgehogs in London.

Connectivity between green spaces is key for hedgehogs as they can roam up to 1km at night in search of food. Heath Hands have therefore launched a project to help protect this key species by creating hedgehog highways.

Learn more about their projects and their Hedgehogs for Hampstead Heath Campaign here.

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