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This October, join us to celebrate all things fermented!

OmVed Gardens is excited to host a Fermentation Celebration weekend for the first time on 21st & 22nd October 2023. After a few years of exploring countless flavours and recipes in our kitchen with our homegrown produce, we want to open our doors and gardens to celebrate what we believe to be a crucial, forgotten art and ancestral practice: food fermentation.

For thousands of years, fermentation and other preservation methods were necessary for the survival of every community across the world. Many cultures around the globe have retained the art of food fermentation, and during the past decade, there has been a resurgence of interest in the West for this essential knowledge and techniques.

We have prepared an exciting programme where participants can gather with experts in the field to share their passion and skills. We will host a drop-in Festival Day on Saturday 21st October with live demos, forum, a market, garden tours, food stalls and displays, and a Day of Workshops on Sunday 22nd October. More details on the workshops will be announced soon.

All experience levels are welcome in this diverse, inclusive, and growing community of food and fermentation enthusiasts. We hope the gatherings will open your eyes and mouths to a world of magical microorganism wonders through conversations, demonstrations, and networking opportunities.

Stay tuned for more information and we look forward to seeing you at OmVed Gardens soon!

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